Your heart is in the front of your chest. It sits slightly behind and to the left of your sternum (breastbone), which is in the middle of your chest.
Your heart is slightly on the left side of your body. It sits between your right and left lungs. The left lung is slightly smaller to make room for the heart in your left chest. Your rib cage protects your heart.
إعجابَين (2)
“Thank you for the detailed explanation! It’s interesting to know how the left lung is smaller to make room for the heart, and that the rib cage plays a role in protecting this vital organ. Really useful information!”
“شكرًا على التوضيح المفصل! من المثير للاهتمام معرفة كيف أن الرئة اليسرى أصغر لتوفير مساحة للقلب، وأن القفص الصدري يلعب دورًا في حماية هذا العضو الحيوي. معلومات مفيدة حقًا!”
3 إعجابات