عمل جمله درس رقم 21 تعلم من الصفر

1- the man throws the monopoly game away and he leaves away because he is dissatisfied his lose
2- monopoly is the most luckiest game ever because the game depends on lucky and mind

إعجاب واحد (1)

“The man throws the Monopoly game away and leaves because he is dissatisfied with his loss.”


  • “throws the Monopoly game away” is correct.
  • صحيحة
  • “leaves away” should just be “leaves.” “Away” is unnecessary here.
  • يجب أن تكون “leaves” فقط. كلمة “away” غير ضرورية هنا.
  • “dissatisfied his lose” should be “dissatisfied with his loss.” The word “lose” is a verb, and “loss” is a noun, which fits better in this context.
  • يجب أن تكون “dissatisfied with his loss.” كلمة “lose” فعل، وكلمة “loss” اسم، وهي التي تناسب السياق هنا.
إعجاب واحد (1)

“Monopoly is the luckiest game ever because the game depends on luck and strategy.”

  • the most luckiest: الجمع بين “most” و"luckiest" مكرر. استخدم “the luckiest” فقط.
  • lucky: “Lucky” هي صفة؛ في هذا السياق، نحتاج الاسم “luck”.
  • mind: “mind” غير واضحة. “strategy” أفضل للتعبير عن الفكرة المقصودة.
إعجاب واحد (1)